Gem miner

Dig a mine to find ores, metals and gems and make your fortune! Sell your discoveries to buy upgrades from your profits and dig even deeper down a huge mine. Be careful not to get stuck down the mine, fall down chasms or be crushed by rockfalls! Grab your pickaxe and get ready for adventure! Explore caves, abandoned mines and long forgotten temples as you search for fame and fortune.

Bold and colorful HD graphics - Bluetooth multiplayer - Bigger mines, more ores, more hazards, more tools and even more fun! Freeplay mode puts you in control of an. Explore a huge mine to find ores, metals and gems and make your fortune! Buy upgrades from your profits, but be careful not to get stuck down the mine, fall down chasms or be crushed by rockfalls!

Download the 5☆ Gem Miner : Dig Deeper 1. Virus and Malware free No extra costs. Копайте шахты, ищите руду, металл и драгоценные камни. На вырученные средства приобретайте улучшения.

Gem Miner is available from the Play Store and Amazon App Store. Join my Facebook http. The traditional mode of Gem Miner , freeplay puts a huge area at your feet, ready to explore and create your own mine. Contribute to gem - miner development by creating an account on GitHub.

Dig up coal, gems, and fun in this adventure game.


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