Gold bug 2

Take prospecting to new levels with the second generation of Gold Bug, the ultra high frequency Gold Bug 2. It offers extraordinary sensitivity, ultrahigh frequency (the highest operating frequency on the market), iron-discrimination, dust and moisture resistance, . A short tutorial by Lucky Joe. Den er ektremt følsom for gull og tar gullkorn ned til millimeters størrelse. Gold Bug - er en favoritt blant de som søker etter gull i naturen. Innebygd diskriminator for jern. Includes year warranty.

Incredible sensitivity to the tiniest gold nuggets. High-precision, dual-control ground balancing. Iron Disk Mode rejects false readings on iron and hot rock. Deep Target audio boost mode searches deeper for buried treasure. High, low and normal mineralization . Den finner också mineraliserade stenar vilket gör att Gold Bug med framgång används av blockletare i mineraljakt och malmletning.

Even after two decades on the market, it is still used by thousands of prospectors around the worl and is still better at certain tasks than most of the brand new metal . The Gold Bug II features Extreme Sensitivity to Small Gold Nuggets, High Precision Dual-Control Ground Balance, Iron Disc Mode for Iron . The MOST Sensitive Gold Hunting Detector Ever Made. ExtremeÊSensitivity to Small Gold Nuggets High PrecisionÊDual-Control Ground Balance. Most sensitive to small surface gold.

Shop with confidence on eBay! Granted its a lot of work manually ground balancing in hot soils but you get used to it and it becomes second nature as you walk along, . В отличие от других металлодетекторов с более низкой частотой этот детектор обнаруживает . This is a superb detector to find gold - from small pieces to large gold nuggets. It also finds mineraized stones which makes Gold Bug successfully used by block -searchers in prospecting for minerals.

Eureka Gold versus Gold Bug The Gold Bug does not have auto ground balance as the Eureka Gold does, but in tiny-nugget country I could find more gold. Almost overnight, the Gold Bug became the standard against which all other gold- hunting detectors . A great family hobby for beach, park, or anywhere. Find jewelry, gol and more. Site to Site, Season to Season. Prices for fisher gold bug - 2. Its a fun, lightweight unit.

Normally sold with just one coil the unit is a Very Low Frequency (VLF) detector. Fisher Metal Detectors Fisher 6.


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