Hooke's law

Bufret Lignende Oversett denne siden Learn about elasticity and how to determine the force exerted by a spring. Under these conditions the object returns to its original shape and size . The law is named after 17th century British physicist Robert Hooke, who sought to demonstrate the relationship between the forces applied to a . A secondary school revision resource for AQA Additional GCSE Science about forces, elasticity and thier effects. Any physicist knows that if an object applies a force to a spring, then the spring applies an equal and opposite force to the object. Since the torque generated by the coiled spring is proportional to the angle turned by the wheel, its oscillations have a nearly constant period. Schematic of a polymer nanospring.

It states that within the limit of elasticity, the stress induced (σ ) in the solid due to some external force is always in proportion with the strain (ε ). Consider a spring with a spring constant k that is stretched with a . Denne simuleringa har ikkje vorte omsette til dette språket. Du kan likevel starte den engelske versjonen nedanfor. Bygg inn ein kopi av denne simuleringa. It is said to be more elastic if it restores itself more precisely to its original configuration. A rubber band is easy to stretch, and snaps back to near its original length when release but it is not as elastic . Isotropic means that it has equal stiffness in every direction.

It is in fact the 1st order linearization of any hyperelastic material Law, including nonlinear ones, as long as the Law is. This means that the extension of the sample increases linearly with the amount of force applied. Springs behave like Hookean Materials.

Let $x$ be the extension of the spring: i. Obviously, $x$ can also be used as a coordinate to determine the horizontal displacement of the mass. In equation form, we write. The proportionality constant k is specific for each spring. The object of this virtual lab is to determine the spring constant k. If the elastic limit is not exceede the material returns.

Pulling or pushing a spring away from its equilibrium ( resting) position requires a force to be applied. When the spring is held at a distance x from its equilibrium position, the spring exerts a restoring force in the negative x direction. For many springs, the restoring force is proportional to the distance . For a spring, the deformation (strain) produced by a force (stress) is proportional to the force applie as long as its elastic limit is not exceede so the spring can return to its original shape after the force is removed.

Thus , where is the force due to the weight of the mass , is the displacement from the . Contraction in y- and z-direction when Stressed in x-direction. When analyzing more than one dimension, interaction between all directions needs to be considered. We will begin our discussion with an investigation of the forces exerted by a spring on a hanging mass. Consider the system shown at the right with a spring attached to a support.

The spring hangs in a relaxe unstretched position. If you were to hold the bottom of the spring and pull downwar the spring . Changes in $ r$ due to. Physics Concept (Published)✎.

In other words, the force is proportional to the extension. A spring or elastic body will apply an opposing force to the deformation which is proportional to the extension or compression of the spring or elastic . We also discuss polymers and entropic forces. Physclips provides multimedia education in introductory physics (mechanics) at different levels. Modules may be used by teachers, while .


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