Sil air 15d

Get your Werther Sil Air 15D cased silent airbrush compressor with 4L Air Receiver from Air Tech Equipment. Ready to be delivered direct to your door at low prices. Liten bærbar kompressor med liters tank. Sil - Air 15D minikompressor.

Den har en tank på liter.

Maks arbeidstrykk bar. SIL - AIR D SIL-AIR D. Models with cover and 4-l air receiver. Model with cover and 4-l air receiver.

Den brukes av mange til hobbyformål, men er kraftig nok for de fleste oppgaver. Meget godt egnet for lakksprøyte, lakksprøyting, airbrush og maling av modeller. Italian company Werther make a large number of compressors both under their own name, and for other companies around the world.

Hi guys, I plan to upgrade to a silent compressor (in £200-£3price range).

Free Shipping on eligible items. Save on everyday low prices. The 15D uses a pump similar to those found on refrigerators and in a noise output that is on par with a mod.

Helautomatisk tystgående kompressor. Snabbkoppling för slang. Avsedd för maximalt sprutor. They all come from the same manufacturer Werther Italy the number one company for silent compressors. Technically the models are almost equal to each other just the design and color is different.

That is why weve got all three brands on stock. There is one noteworthy, unadvertised gotcha. You will probably want to make a suppressor to . Man klarar sig säkert, men skaffar du sprutor med större munstycken, så kan den kanske få problem att mata. Nur noch Stück auf Lager - jetzt bestellen. Kompresor obsahuje regulátor výstupního tlaku, který je vybaven filtrem a manometrem (tlakoměrem).

Vzduchový kompresor je vhodný pro hobbyi profi použítí. S tímto kompresorem velmi často pracují modeláři, či specializovaná nehtová studia.

Kompresorem SIL AIR D můžete pohánět airbrush stříkací pistole, které . Particolarmente indicato per studi grafici dato il bassissimo livello di rumorosità. Compressore di facile portatilità. Fornito completo di serbatoio, pressostato, valvola di sicurezza, manometri, riduttore di pressione con filtro, scarico di condensa.

Spedizione Gratuita disponibile per membri Prime su oltre un milione di prodotti. Kompresor je vhodný pre: komerčné striekanie, kozmetické, nechtové a tetovacie štúdia, hobby aj domáce použitie, modelárov, tlakovanie piva, do dielne, pre pohon vzduchového náradia, atp. Modelli carenati con serbatoio litri.

Modèles carénés avec réservoir litres. Modelos carenados con depósito de litros.


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