Hardware cursor

Sluggish or erratic mouse controls? I tried to test and see. Why does SC:BW use software cursor instead of. What is hardware cursor and how does it work? Bufret Lignende Oversett denne siden 5.

Want to fix mouse stutter or jerky movement with the mouse? If I recall its something like your GPU will control the mouse, rather than game software, so if . Showing 1-of comments. Everytime I move my cursor with this option enable my cursor flickers and causes the game to freeze while moving. When I stop moving my cursor, it stops flickering and the game stops freezing. Also my UI reset overnight again!

My logitech mouse cursor is not showing in wow - its working everywhere except wow and it happened overnight.

If I enable hardware cursor in WOW I lose the cursor. Someone messed up somewhere:)) - Help please . Примеры перевода, содержащие „ hardware cursor “ – Русско-английский словарь и система поиска по миллионам русских переводов. Hi, is it possible to enable hardware cursor in opengl like D3D does? Setting a custom hardware cursor does not work unless the mouse cursor enters the active game window.

Even if you click the atcive window, nothing happens. I recently noticed that in World of Warcraft, I was getting screen tearing. Does anyone know why this might suddenly . Works with Windows and Mac standalone builds, consists of one small.

Can load cursor images from files and asset textures, does NOT require Unity Pro. Impact on game: Minor Version Found: 1. A little mess with hardware cursor and mouse cursor 24. Flere resultater fra forums. Feedback Suggestions Bufret Oversett denne siden 8. I can't find the hardware cursor option.

If its there please let me know, the slow reaction makes the menus.

Cursor in the menu is very slow. In addition, the LCD driver had to check whether the graphics operation had overwritten the cursor, and correct it. With a cursor size of 64xand 24-bit color, each cursor move involved reading and writing approximately 75KB of data. The hardware cursor removes the requirement for this management by providing a . In this section, you will give up the option to have a cursor larger than 32×pixels, in favor of allowing the operating system to take care of the cursor for you. A good feature of a hardware cursor is always drawn on top of everything else in the scene.

Select the GamePointer object and deactivate it in the Inspector.


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