
Find great deals on eBay for Highbanker in Mining Equipment. A power sluice or highbanker is basically a sluice box with mobility, height, and is motorized to process more gold-bearing material more quickly. It can keep up with the big boys. Also available with with optional extension, the unit comes complete as shown below. The matting is included and is pre-made and ready to run.

A power sluice, sometimes called a highbanker or hibanker, is a piece of gold prospecting equipment that uses a pump to force water through a sluice box to mimic the natural flow of a river. Sometimes a hopper box with spray bars and a classifier sieve (or grizzly screen) is employed. The top classifier box has a classifying section that allows larger stones to drop off the end in a waste pile while the smaller, heavier material is washed into the lower sluice . We feel the reason is simple. All of our combos are designed with one goal in mind: build a machine that can actually do both of its intended jobs well yet remain lightweight and . Includes all matting pre-made and installed. If you want to see the information on the NEW Piglet, we have designed a brand new website just to host all that info since there is a TON.

High production mini model. Easy Lifttm for video and product info. Outback Pioneer Series Highbanker. The Ultra Wide Sluice Box with everything you need to use in creeks and streams. Inch Sluice Header unit.

Flare , Matting, Expanded Metal, Hungarian Riffle Tray and New improved quick release break down Stan and Carrying Handle for easy transport. It was originally designed for some of our overseas clients who required something with greater capacity than what the 3″ combo had to offer, while still maintaining true portability. We developed this Highbanker over ten years ago, and have steadily improved . RDH Prospecting Mini-Recirculating Highbanker. The unit comes with 12volt 800-gph pump, 4ft Recirculating hose and a recirculating pump bracket.

It has adjustable legs for easy slope control and black ribbed matting . Keene highbanker gold dredge combos are a great place to start for those thinking of their first power sluice. Classification is the name of the game when it comes to fine gold recovery. By screening the large rocks away it is possible to get enhanced fine gold recovery with a properly operated power sluice.

GoldHog Mini highbanker.


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