
Check out Digital Ocean (more details in this thread). The Independent Gaming Source: A community of independent game developers and players. Indie gaming forums with an emphasis on indie.

A really great community with compos, jams, monocles and more. Copyright Tiny Phoenix LLC. I want to keep this project documente one place I will use is TIGSource Forums DevLog section. See what people are saying and join the conversation.

If someone wants to submit CW that would be be great! Remember kids, the only difference between science and messing around is writing it down. Our Current Project: If you follow our blog, you already know that we had our share of troubles in finding the right prototype to pursue through to completion. Infiniminer is a team-based multiplayer game of mining, building, and hunting for gold. You can also advertise specific jobs on the site.

Started up a devlog over at the enormous community at TIGSource. With over 500forum posts, these forums are probably the most active game development forums around. Well worth participating.

There are topics devoted to Game Jamming, and many new Jams are first announced here. Other websites worth visiting The calendar of upcoming . The devlog also contains many more gameplay gifs like this one, showing the in-progress . Battlelog is a free social platform that ties into Battlefield and Battlefield and lets you socialize, track stats, plan your next game, and more from your web browser! Peace project - we will meet to discuss plans for local activity - art exhibits to reflect the h. Themes here in our town, to forge links with other towns, states, regions of brazil, as well as internationally. Youth of all ages invited to participate. A Dwarf Fortress Succession Game.

You play as an older man who's on a “ space vacation,” when his ship malfunctions and crash lands on an uncharted planet, scattering the parts across it. Traverse the expansive world around . TIGSource's Forums are one of the most popular places for devlogs. You first start your log by creating a thread in the DevLog section of the Forums, and when you've got a new update, just reply to the thread you've previously created. TIGForums is not only a .


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