Dormer a002

Browse our latest twist-drill-bits offers. Good for portable or machine drilling. The shank diameter is the same as the drill size. It was designed for drilling holes into a wide. The Right Tool at the Right Time.

Drillboy, the revolutionary drill case incorporating a built in gauge that ensures correct tool selection, everytime! A0HSS TiN Coated Jobber Drills. Spiralbor i HSS kvalitet. Titannitrid belagt på spissen for å oppnå lengre levetid ved boring. Egnet for de fleste materialer også rustfritt stål og varmefast austenitisk stål.

Kan også brukes i spesiallegeringer som går opp til en hardhet på 3HB. Sylindrisk skaft som følger diameteren. Spissvinkel : 118° kryss-slipt. High Speed Steel cutting tools.

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Dormer A0Tin Coated Drill 1. Customers who viewed this item also viewed. Korte bor med sylindrisk feste. Til normale borearbeider. Point angle 118º to support efficient cutting action. Korta borr med cylindriskt fäste och TiN belagd korsspets.

Blank spets från till 90. För normala borrningsarbeten. Good self centring capability on a wide range of materials. Monikäyttöinen yleispora laajalle raaka-ainealueelle. Ensisijainen valinta yleiskäyttöön.

Lisävarusteita, jotka sopivat yhteen tämän tuotteen kanssa. Spårutförande: Höger, normalspiral, breda spår. Spetsvinkel: 118° Speciell spetsgeometri ( DORMER P.S. Point), ger bättre lägesnoggran. Four-facet drills alsorequire less pressure todrilla hole, since the point is thinner than a standard drill, and they are far easier to sharpen accurately byhand than standardjobber drills.

The A0is based on the design of the A00 giving the same benefits. In addition, the TiN coated tip on the bright finish Jobber drill has high wear resi. G CHLORINE FREE DORMER SUPER CUT COMPOUND.

MM HSS TIN CTD JBR DRL (SPLIT POINT) DORMER A002. De A0boren zijn blank uitgevoerd tot twee millimeter doorsnee, hierboven zijn de boren voorzien van een TiN-Tip coating en kruisslijping.


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