Mine maps

Bufret Lignende Lag enkelt spesialtilpassede kart med steder som er viktige for deg. Legg til punkt eller tegn former hvor som helst. Finn steder og lagre dem på kartet. Gjør regneark om til kart på et øyeblikk.

Skap din egen stil med ikoner og farger. Left mouse click on the area of interest to view a list of available mine maps.

In recognition of the problems involving mine maps , the United States Congress appropriated $million to MSHA for Digitizing mine maps and developing technologies to detect mine voids, through contracts, grants, or other arrangements. This enormous resource contains thousands of detailed coal mine maps that can be overlaid on a variety of base . Planning Theme- Lower Resolution Data. The data available through the Lower Resolution Tab of the Interactive Viewer can be viewed at a scale of 1:20or smaller and may be accessed and used free of charge, subject to the terms and conditions of Open Government Licence. Coal Mining Theme - Higher Resolution.

NOTE: These maps utilize JavaScript to display and use the map tools. If your computer is unable display a map correctly please make sure that JavaScript is turned on in . Mineral Resources Website. Geological Survey Website.

When any question as to currency or degree of accuracy is not adequately answered . Landmine Monitor and Cluster Munition Monitor maps are provided in PDF format. PDF files are suitable for printing. When using a black and white printer, we recommend using the BW pdf.

Click here to read our copyright policy. The Repository houses more than 0maps of underground mines of various mineral commodities. Basemaps▽ ○Measure ○Mail Site Info▽.

Township-Range-Section Search . Underground mine maps were obtained from government agencies, mining companies, and private fee representatives. In addition to historical documents, prepared maps and reports, the CMIS has compiled digital geographic data and associated mine information. Select one of two ways to check for risk. You can access an MSI application from the map , if insurance is needed. Check Mining Conditions . The Coal Industry of West Virginia is nearly 1years old.

It is estimated that over those years, thousands of mines were abandoned in West Virginia. In many cases very little information was compiled regarding . The beginnings of the mining history date back to ancient times, up to the second century B. One field closely related to mining activities is mine surveying.

Queensland mapping spatial information including the Queensland Globe, SmartMaps, topographic maps and access to historical research resources. Charges apply for some products and services. Iron Valley, WA, operating mine , 119.

The exploitation of natural resources by underground mining commenced in Northern Ireland about 2years ago and has in some areas left a legacy of surface instability above disused workings for coal, salt and other minerals. The existence of abandoned mine workings is a significant consideration in relation to. Creator: Subject: CONSOL Energy, Inc. Title: CONSOL Energy Inc. Consolidation Coal Company.

The Mining Record offers three maps detailing 6different mining sites. Pittsburgh Coal Company.


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