
Bufret Lignende Oversett denne siden Define synchronous : happening, existing, or arising at precisely the same time — synchronous in a sentence. Find a better way to say it. Dictionary and Word of the Day.

Synonyms for synchronous at Thesaurus. At the same time, at the same frequency. In general synchronous pronounced SIHNkronuhs from Greek syn meaning with and chronos meaning time is an adjective describing objects or events that are. An example of something synchronous is swimmers that all start at the same sound. Definition of synchronous - existing or occurring at the same time, making or denoting an orbit around the earth or another celestial body in which one revolu.

Since the induction motor has no DC field winding, there is no sustained field current in the rotor to provide flux as is the case with . For those Group Policy settings for which both types of processes are available . Synchronous processes wait for one to complete before the next begins. During synchronous execution of a custom action, the installer waits for the thread of the custom action to complete before continuing the main installation. During asynchronous execution, the installer runs the custom action. A synchronous transformation processes incoming rows and passes them on in the data flow one row at a time.

Output is synchronous with input, meaning that it occurs at the same time. Therefore, to process a given row, the transformation does not need information about other rows in the data set. Windings ( Chapter - 1) Classification of windings, Pitch factor, Distribution factor, E. We work hard to innovate for global services providers, whole sellers, corporates who need infrastructure for their own use, and . Explain clearly how synchronous motor can be used as a synchronous condenser. Draw the phasor diagram.

With the help of phasor diagrams, discuss the behaviour of synchronous motor with the constant field excitation and variable load. Derive an expression for the coupling angle at pull out conditions interms of the . Loss minimization control . Aim of this study is to review our experience in the management of patients with synchronous and metachronous lesions, and reach. These tools for synchronous teaching will help students stay socially and cognitively connected to blended and distance courses. Our rugged high voltage IEC synchronous motors are used in a wide variety of applications, which call for the highest power and torques capabilities, as well as a maximum plant availability.

In applications such as central gas compressor stations, blast furnaces, rolling mills or ore mills. They are available for mains and. If NO (the default), the requestImageForAsset:targetSize:contentMode:options: resultHandler: method returns immediately. Depending on the deliveryMode property, Photos may call your resultHandler block before the method returns, at some later time, or both.

There are two ways to provide synchronous client-side validation to your form. This is done by providing the validation function to the decorator as a config parameter . Abstract: Interior permanent-magnet (IPM) synchronous motors possess special features for adjustable-speed operation which distinguish them from other classes of ac machines. Although, in general, it is unusual to find asynchronous tasks running on the same threa it is possible, (see below for examples) and it is common to find two or more tasks executing synchronously on separate threads.

Englisch-Deutsch-Übersetzung für synchronous im Online-Wörterbuch dict. High quality gearing is available for the can-stack motors. The ceramic rotor magnet .


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